Heal Yourself


I am not claiming that I can heal, nor am I claiming that massage therapy can. I believe healing is up to you and the choices you make for yourself.

You didn’t come this far to stop

If you do not present your authentic self and overly worry about fitting in, those who would love you will never know you. How are we supposed to draw our tribe to us if we hideaway our philosophy, beliefs, and inner knowings?

Grow thick skin. When being truly authentic, in my experience, roughly 85% of people will disagree with you. However, the 15% who resonate with you make all of the naysayers in your life worth it. With roughly 8 billion humans who live in a vast array of cultures on the earth (formally known as Gaia) I find it wise to abandon the necessity to be validated. To have the validation of most, or even half of the human race is statistically improbable.

Speak what you feel when the time arises with respect for yourself and those who are listening. By being authentic you are doing no wrong. If others take offense and get upset, it simply means they do not like how insecure about their own beliefs they are.

I find it best to be strong, brave, and affirmative while discarding the need to be approved of. Speak up, this human life ride goes by quickly. While you are here, convey your authenticity...

Do you realize that many of the humans who advance our way of living are completely out of their minds? You don’t get out of the box ideas, discoveries, and inventions from in the box people.

Isaac Newton discovered the laws of motion and gravity. He helped build the very base of science we call Physics. Isaac Newton voluntarily ingested mercury while performing alchemy experiments on his body, which ultimately may have led to his death. Isaac Newton was typically bullied as a child because he was said to be too quiet. He also regularly threatened to burn down the house of his parents. On top of all this, did you know he invented calculus? He was a professor at Cambridge university, and when he held lectures, barely any students would attend. And, like the next man on the list, he never got married.

Nikola Tesla invented the AC alternating current usage of electricity that we still use to this day. AC currents are used in the power grid, house hold appliances, and our current electronics. Thank Nikola Tesla the next time you charge your phone. He also first invented wireless power. That’s correct, He would’ve been able to charge your electronics without the use of any cords. That’s not all, Nikola created fluorescent lights, x-rays, and neon lights.

And at the same time, Nikola Tesla fell in love with a pigeon. He was quoted saying, “I loved that pigeon as a man loves a woman, and she loved me.” Tesla believed that as long as he had the pigeon, there was a purpose to his life. When she died, he felt his life’s work was finished, and he became depressed

He was rumored to not sleep for more than two hours at a time. Nikola Tesla believed his libido was a curse, and wanted no part of having one.

I am not condoning any of this, I am only making a point. A revolutionary human is not one to color inside the lines and abide by societal norms.

If you are seldom understood and labeled different, crazy, or weird, I believe you contain a unique gift to share the world. Stay strong, let your light shine, and do not let the normal people of the world discourage you from being your weird authentic self.